greatest serial television shows of all time pt. 4

16 The Barchester Chronicles (1982)
there's a scene in peep show where super hans and jeremy are coming from a night on drugs and they decide to watch the barchester chronicles as some kind of unchallenging and ultimately calm piece of old-fashioned 'brown' television that won't freak them out. i took this as a tacit endorsement and looked the show up immediately.

Donald Pleasence as Septimus Harding, Nigel Hawthorne as Archdeacon Grantly

17 The Virtues (2019)

Stephen Graham as Joe

18 Freaks and Geeks (1999-2000)

Samm Levine as Neil Schweiber, Stephen Lea Sheppard as Harris Trinsky
John Francis Daley as Sam Weir, Martin Starr as Bill Haverchuck

19 I, Claudius (1976)

Patrick Stewart as Sejanus

20 P'tit Quinquin (2014-2018)

Bernard Pruvost as Roger van der Weyden
