12th September

I started writing an entry a month ago and gave up. Here it is.

5th August

An even keel again, of sorts.

I got a small upgrade on my role at one job, so I make more money from it. Problem is this job is far away, so I am moving there. And keeping this place. Just as soon as I make money, I lose it.

A fair assessment and no wonder I got bored.

N and I went on holiday to Germany via Denmark. It was really lovely for the most part (a couple of small bits of pointless bickering on the first couple of days) - just swimming and reading and taking little trips out to places. We got stoned and shroomed one day and enjoyed the low 20s temperatures and ate three great meals and a whole lot of ordinary stuff that was fine (starting to take against cooking as a thing, dunno why).

I write this in the midst of my move to Bristol. I'm moving in with a middle-aged couple who seem very pleasant and accomodating, and the place is very near work. It's not fun to haemorrhage money and live far from your partner (who won't move bcs work) as you approach forty years of age and any sense of adventure is being stripped from it by a tight schedule.

Keep trying to find footholds in other jobs but that's not going well either, so it's a case of keep doing this well paid prestigious job far away for now.