October 5th

Things seem a little brighter and fresher as the trees turn ochre and orange. There's potential for blood on the horizon and a cold winter ahead, but for now, all is calm.

I remain in Bristol in the same teaching role. This semester has been very pleasant thus far and I feel myself improving as a lecturer and thinker. I've still a long way to go, but it is nice to be somewhere and feel wanted.

I have spoken to N a few times over Zoom. They tend to split their time between pleasant and light chat, and some recriminations for the past. This was, more-or-less, our relationship in its dying embers. Getting back together has been floated, but I think neither of us believe it a good idea, just an idealistic one.

This came about during a holiday to Portugal and Spain where I started to feel rather lonely and was overthinking things. Another work issue had flared up and I had that internal hurricane of futurelessness rise up in me again. On a dark lane in Santander I sent N a message that said I missed her. We spoke later that night and it was, I think, cathartic for each of us.

Anyway, here is a pic of one of the trip highlights, the aesthetically perfect Club Billar in Barcelona.