May 13

Like a chode I am in work when no one else is. This wouldn't be so bad if work was not two expensive train rides and a shit hotel stay away, but it is, so I am annoyed. I've not learned how to play the game of this office at all.

Last week I presented at a conference in Belgium. I thought that it went well, but my usual inability to be sociable hurt where the real business occurs in these things (at the bar later on). My work sort of doesn't fit with the current vogues, either. A kind of revival of old literary ideas but in film. Probably no real legs to it, however much I believe that it makes sense.

Relationship back on helix graph after some brief stability possibly brought about by not being there much. I saw my friend R yesterday and we both gently complained about our relationship lot. She is more passive and understanding than I am though I think her issue is actually worse. More sunk cost though.