January 30

The break-up didn't take. We spent Christmas apart and made up, then had another unsettled passage in the new year. But we're still together. I'm not 100% sure why but I do love her.

Some realisation is being had on her part that I am important in her life and that she may have taken my existence for granted. How do I know? I am living 120 miles away and will be doing so for the next 2 months.

I got another fractional lecturing job at another university nowhere near where I live or want to be. But it is near my first place of work, so I am living near them both. It is a better job at a better institution and it pays more, and for the first time in about 12 years I might be able to clear my overdraft.

The upside is potential progression, a step up the greasy pole, etc. The downside is that I am working a lot (even Saturdays and Sundays) and getting up at stupid hours because trains are slow and inconsistent and getting home late (see previous) so I am absolutely beat after 1 week only.

I can keep trucking and things will get easier. But these next three weeks are going to test me and my sanity and my ability to keep it all together.